Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Board of Directors04 regional
Board of Directors26 carrying and
forwarding agencies
Board of Directors2 K+
Board of Directors1M+ retail

Mr.Kyungwoon Cho

Chairman cum Executive Director

Mr.Kyungwoon Cho is a Post graduate (MBA) in International Business from Korea University and having about 20 years of rich experience in Sales, Marketing and Finance. He joined in Lotte Group in 2001 and served in various capacities at its Headquarters at Korea and as well as at Lotte Guylian, Belgium. Before his appointment in Lotte India, he was working with Lotte HQ as Vice President of Global Strategic Division. He is the Chairman of Havmor Ice Cream P.Ltd.

Mr. Milan Wahi

Managing Director

Mr. Milan Wahi has about 27 years of experience in the fields of Marketing and Sales and has held senior and top management positions in reputed companies such as CavinKare, Whirlpool India, JK Dairy and Kenstar. He is the Designated Partner of Lotte Data Communication R&D Center India LLP

Mr.Junyeon Kim


Resigned as Director from 6th January, 2025

Mr.Jun Yeon Kim is a graduate in Science from Pusan National University, Republic of Korea. He joined in Lotte Group in August 1994 and served in various capacities. Currently, Mr.Kim is working with Lotte HQ as Chief Globalisation Officer (Global Strategic Division).

Mr.N.Ramesh Rajan

Independent Director

Mr.N.Ramesh Rajan is a Commerce Graduate and a Fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is the Founder and Senior Partner of LeapRidge Advisors LLP. He was with M/s. Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) & its group firms for about 3 decades in various capacities at senior levels. He was also the first elected Chairman and Senior partner of M/s.Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) responsible for overall strategy and operations of all PwC India entities. Mr.Ramesh Rajan is on the Board of Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Co.Ltd, TTK Health Care Ltd, Rane Madras Ltd and Rane Engine Value Ltd and Rane Brake Linings Ltd as an Independent Director.

Ms. Jeehye You

Independent Director

Ms. Jeehye You holds Master of Laws (Commercial / Corporate Law) from Ajou University College of Law, Korea, Master of Laws (U.S.Law) from The George Washington University Law School, U.S.A and Doctor of Laws (Corporate Law / Corporate Social Responsibility), from Washington University. Ms.Jeehye You is the Managing Director of Buddtree Advisory Services Private Limited, India and hold Directorship in many Indian Companies. She is also the legal advisor of Embassy of the Republic of Korea to India.

Terms and conditions of Appointment of an Independent Director